
Eager Trilogy by Helen Fox - ages 9+

Book 1
What's the Story?
 It's the end of the 21st century where your house watches you, knows your secrets, and talks to you and your closest friend can be a machine. 

Gavin Bell and his teenage sister Fleur come from a middle-class family. Their much-loved, old-fashioned robot, Grumps, is running down and can’t be repaired, so a scientist friend loans them an experimental new robot to help Grumps out. 

EGR3, known as Eager, learns from his experiences, as a child would. He feels emotions—wonder, excitement, and loss.  As Eager explores his new emotions and abilities, both he and the Bells are drawn into a great adventure.

What's the buzz?
Warning!  Many of these reviews contain spoilers.  They all tell you quite a bit about the story. If Eager looks good to you and you like to be surprised by stories ( I do.), I suggest you try Eager without the reviews.  Carry on.

Eager's Nephew Reviews
JacketFlap  JacketFlap has Eager's Nephew reviews from both Amazon & GoodReads

Eager and the Mermaid Reviews

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