
Series: The Zack Files - Author: Dan Greenburg - Ages 8+ - Books 11-20 of 30

About the Series
If weird stuff is going to happen, there's an eighty nine and a half percent chance that it's going to happen to Zack. Ghosts, mummy's,witches and aliens, Zack has seen it all and none of it on purpose.  He seems to attract weirdness like a light attracts moths or refrigerators attract magnets for lawn care and pizza delivery.  But through it all, Zack is just an ordinary kid who lives in New York with a talking cat and a teenage grandma and a werewolf teacher and a freakshow orthodontist...Okay maybe Zack isn't quite your average kid, but he's funny and his life is full of amazing and astounding things which should keep you coming back for more of his adventures, wondering where he will end up next.  For Zack Greenburg, life may be a little weird but it's never boring.

Summaries for The Zack Files: Books 11-20

11.  How to Speak Dolphin in Three Easy Lessons
When Zack is given the chance to swim the dolphins on a trip to Florida, he dives right in. But before long, Zack is surprised to find that the dolphins are trying to tell him something--and even more surprised that he can understand and talk to them.

12.  Now You See Me...Now You Don't
When Zack accidentally drinks the invisible ink that is one of Spencer's experiments, he worries about missing his only chance to get his picture in the paper, if the new flavor he and Spencer invented wins the local Len and Larry's Ice Cream contest.

13.  The Misfortune Cookie
What would you do if your fortune cookie fortunes started coming true? Confucius says something very weird is going on! Could his thirteenth adventure be Zack's unlucky number?

14.  Elvis the Turnip...and Me

Late one night when Zack hears strains of "Heartbreak Hotel" coming from the fridge, he discovers the possibility that Elvis lives on...as a turnip! Talk about getting back to musical roots!

15.  Hang a Left at Venus
In Central Park, Zack and his dad encounter an alien who has lost his spaceship, which has been towed because it was illegally parked.

16.  Evil Queen Tut and the Great Ant Pyramids
While on a class picnic in Central Park, ten-year-old Zack gets a chance to study ants close up and personal when he uses way too much of a classmate's diet powder and shrinks to their size.

17.  Yikes! Grandma's a Teenager
A trip to New York City to celebrate her 89th birthday--and participate in a Rockettes reunion at Radio City Music Hall--leaves Zack's Grandma Leah feeling younger than springtime. And she's looking that way too, since a strange trip through an airport metal detector turned back the hands of time and is making Grandma grow younger and younger!

18.  How I fixed the Year 1000 Problem
Forget about the Y2K problem! Zack's up to his ears in dragons and wizards when a computer glitch sends him hurtling back in time to the year 999--and a peculiar boys' school known as Dragon Slayers' Academy!

19.  The Boy Who Cried Bigfoot
Zack's first trip to sleep-away camp gets a little hairy when legends of a mysterious creature lurking in the woods turn out to be more than just campfire tales. Is it the missing link? Yeti? Sasquatch? Bigfoot?!

20.  The Day That Went from Bad To Verse
Zack goes on a class trip, gets an insect bite, and suddenly can't speak a single word that isn't in rhyme. Talking like a modern-day Shakespeare may be fun at first, but not when you can't turn it off! What could be verse? How did this happen? And how can Zack make it stop?

Author's Site 

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