
Tamarind Series by Nadia Aguiar - Ages 10+

The Lost Island of Tamarind
Book 1

What's the Story?

Maya Nelson isn’t your typical thirteen-year-old. She’s spent her whole life living on the sea with her marine biologist parents, her younger brother, Simon, and baby sister, Penny. Maya used to love living on a sailboat, but lately, everything feels terribly claustrophobic. Maya longs to go to school on land. To make friends. To lead a normal life. But when a violent storm hits and Maya’s parents are washed overboard, life becomes anything but normal. The children manage to steer the boat toward a mysterious island, to a place that doesn’t exist on a map.

Welcome to Tamarind, where fish can fly, pirates patrol the waters, jaguars lurk, the islanders are at war, and an evil, child-stealing enchantress rules the jungle.

Maya never imagined she’d have to face so many dangers. But then, who could have imagined a place like Tamarind. . . .?

In her stunning first novel, Nadia Aguiar presents a heart-pounding adventure tale about a haunting, fantastical island cut off from the outside world.

What's the Buzz?
"In breathtaking succession, Maya and Simon encounter carnivorous vines, flying fish, treacherous pirates, a mad zoologist, giant turtles, warring soldiers, a tribe living in treetops, a mysterious lady riding a jaguar, singing mermaids, giants and a glowing substance called ophalla." - Kirkus Reviews
"The book’s magic lies less in its breathless plot than in Aguiar’s precise, often lyrical descriptions. A native and resident of Bermuda, she writes with authority about daily life in the tropics." - NY Times
"It's astonishing to me that this is Nadia Aguiar's first book: the sweet, lush setting and the sharp, clean characters make one fine tropical cocktail. I want another." - Pink Me
 "Oh, and I should mention… There’s a sequel. Just when you’re satisfied, be prepared for the last bite to be whisked away just when you want it most." - Skiareader

More Reviews @ . . .
Amazon --- Barnes & Noble --- GoodReads --- LibraryThing

Where Can I Learn More?
Read an excerpt of Chapter One @ Barnes & Noble

Secrets of Tamarind
Book 2

What's the Story?
It’s been four years since Maya, Simon, and Penny Nelson left the lost island of Tamarind. For Maya, the island is a nearly forgotten part of her childhood; for Penny, it’s a secret place she can’t remember, but longs to see; and for Simon, it’s an adventure waiting to happen. An evil group called the Red Coral Project is lurking around the Nelson’s home in Bermuda, and the children discover that the project has moved into Tamarind, and are desiccating it to ruin. Only the Nelson’s can save the island.

In Tamarind, there is the mystery of the magical mineral ophalla that Red Coral is greedily mining, their old pirate ship, the Pamela Jane, and the secret of their friend Helix’s parentage. This time, it is up to Simon to put the clues together, and save his sisters from the island and the nefarious Red Coral Project—and defeat Red Coral before the magnificent island is put to ruin.

Nadia Aguiar’s sequel to The Lost Island of Tamarind, crafts a vivid story reminiscent of such classics as Peter Pan, full of adventure, magic, and haunting beauty. 

What's the Buzz?
"Replete with ecological warnings applicable to real as well as fantasy worlds and glossed with lush descriptions of imaginary flora and fauna, the rapid-fire plot bristles with danger." - Kirkus Reviews
"Taken as straight fantasy, there's an awful lot of contrivance and coincidence in the plot ... But on the whole once you are caught in the spell of the quest here you will enjoy the breadth of location, scenery, mystical being set against common-or-garden, and a lot more - and this book will be one to keep on the shelves for some time." - The Bookbag
"I strongly recommend that the reader reads the first book in the series (The Lost Islands of Tamarind) before reading this book because it was hard for me to get into the book/plot without having read the first book." - Lily @ The YA Bookcase on Lake St.
"Giving a kid The Lost Island of Tamarind feels like passing along a treasured secret. Not that it's that obscure, but it's not part of a giant series, it doesn't have a character's name in the title (think about it: HP, Charlie Bone, Barnaby Grimes, Percy Jackson and the..., Alex Rider), and it has that wonderful, epic, jungly cover." - Pink Me
"This novel would make an excellent selection for a middle school read aloud, offering ample opportunities for word study, developing visualization skills and enriching students’ understanding of critical social studies and science concepts through fiction." - Sean Kottke @ ALAN Online
"This book was just what I needed as a fantasy reader who had read one to many paranormal romances recently. This brought me right back to what I had loved about reading fantasy a few years ago. Pure adventure. Pure magic. Pure smarts and courage and devoted friends.
Definitely worth reading!! " - I Read to Relax

More Reviews @. . .

Where Can I Learn More?
Read Chapter One @ Barnes & Noble


What-the-Dickens: The Story of a Rogue Tooth Fairy by Gregory Maguire - Ages 9+

The Story of a Rogue Tooth Fairy

What's the Story?

A terrible storm is raging, and ten-year-old Dinah is huddled by candlelight with her brother, sister, and cousin Gage, who is telling a very unusual tale. It’s the story of What-the-Dickens, a newly hatched orphan creature who finds he has an attraction to teeth, a crush on a cat named McCavity, and a penchant for getting into trouble. One day he happens upon a feisty girl skibberee who is working as an Agent of Change — trading coins for teeth — and learns that there is a dutiful tribe of skibbereen (call them tooth fairies) to which he hopes to belong. As his tale of discovery unfolds, however, both What-the- Dickens and Dinah come to see that the world is both richer and less sure than they ever imagined.

What's the Buzz?
"At first, this story-within-a-story structure seems unnecessarily complicated and dark for a tale about tooth fairies (who might be smart-alecky and tough but are still fairies, after all). But it all makes a little more sense when you know that this novel was originally serialized in newspapers to provide a diversion in the aftermath of Hurricane Katrina." - Kids Reads
"I really didn't think I was going to like this book. "The Story of a Rogue Tooth Fairy," the cover proclaims. Tooth fairy? The idea just didn't seem all that interesting to me. Boy was I wrong. This is so much more than a book about a tooth fairy." - Wands & Worlds
"With the dire situation of Dinah and her brother and sister, this book is a bit dark. But the intriguing story gives you the feeling of a light in a dark place." - Sonder Books
"Macguire certainly has a unique style of story telling. The best way I can think of to describe his writing is to say that it is clear that he ENJOYS his storytelling. You can tell that he really loves what he does. Sometimes you can almost see a grin in the way he dashes out a few details and in the way he expresses humor through his characters. He’s just having fun! " - 5 Minutes For Books
"... it starts out very slow. I wasn't surprised to read many reviews that said it was dull and they wanted to quit reading as What-the-Dickens dithers around trying to figure out what he is and what he should do. The story really picks up once he meets Pepper..." - The Childrens Literature Book Club
"If you have a small person between the ages of 9 and… well I refuse to stick an upper age limit on it, then you should get this book for them. Read it yourself first though!" - Book & Biscuit
"I think What-the Dickens can be read two ways:  as a straight-across fairy tale aimed at mainly 5th-8th graders.  Or it can be read with more adult undertones of religious and political themes.  ... I wouldn’t say there is enough fodder for philosophical debates or personal paradigm shifts, but there is a little meat to gnaw off the bone." - Tree, Root & Twig


Puddlejumpers by Mark Jean & Christopher Carlson - Ages 10+

What's the Story?
Ernie Banks, named for the legendary Chicago Cub shortstop, is a troubled, 13-year-old juvenile delinquent.  Abandoned on the doorstep of the Lakeside Home for Boys when he was three years old, he’s now considered a “lifer,” a permanent ward of the state.  His only proof that he once belonged to somebody is a vintage Ernie Banks baseball card, a crystal acorn he wears on a string around his neck, and a strange spiral birthmark on the bottom of his right foot.          

As a last reprieve before being sent to a juvenile detention facility, Ernie is allowed to spend three weeks on a working farm.  When Ernie arrives at the home of Russ Frazier, he learns that the widower’s baby was kidnapped years before.  The single piece of evidence was a red quilt found in a puddle in the nearby woods.  Fascinated by the town’s famous “Quilt Baby” kidnapping, Ernie is determined to solve the case.  He teams up with Joey, a local tomboy, to investigate clues that lead them on a dangerous journey into a forbidden world of dark secrets, magic puddles, and the cavernous underground kingdom of the Puddlejumpers— eleven-inch tall water creatures with whom Ernie has a mysterious connection.

When destiny summons, Ernie must find the courage to save the Puddlejumpers from the Most Dark and lead them in battle against their mortal enemies.  Only then can he find his way home.

What's the Buzz?
"Puddlejumpers is a magical story woven together by Mark Jean and Christopher C. Carlson. They have ignited their imaginations full force, creating a fast-paced tale with an intriguing plot, incredible creatures and memorable characters. Their colorful descriptions bring the story to life, spiced up even more with their bizarre sense of humor"- Kids Reads

"Puddlejmpers  will make a good movie someday. It makes a pretty good book now, especially for readers who love action with a dash of mystery and characters that don’t save the day by making twelve stupid decisions before bumbling into the correct one." - Fantasy Magazine

"At first the book seems like a mystery, but then it switches gears into an adventure novel. At the end I was in awe. I won't tell you why because you just have to read it. All the characters are very interesting and all the people fit into the story perfectly." - Elizabeth @ Washington Township Public Library

"Although this is a fast-paced fantasy adventure, I was surprised to discover that the novel also has great heart. A modern story with a tip o' the hat to the best family classics, this is a book you'll want to keep for the family library and pass down to future generations." - YA Books Central

"The characters are well-developed and the heartfelt story is wall to wall with pulse-pounding excitement. Fans of Spiderwick Chronicles will love this book -- as did I." - Cool Kids Read Books

Where Can I Learn More?
If you'd like to hear co-author Christopher Carlson read the first three chapters of Puddlejumpers, go here & click on the Puddlejumpers cover.


Rapunzel's Revenge by Shannon & Dean Hale - Ages 10+

Rapunzel's Revenge

What's the Story?
Once upon a time, in a land you only think you know, lived a little girl and her mother . . . or the woman she thought was her mother.

Every day, when the little girl played in her pretty garden, she grew more curious about what lay on the other side of the garden wall . . . a rather enormous garden wall.

And every year, as she grew older, things seemed weirder and weirder, until the day she finally climbed to the top of the wall and looked over into the mines and desert beyond.

Newbery Honor-winning author Shannon Hale teams up with husband Dean Hale and brilliant artist Nathan Hale (no relation) to bring readers a swashbuckling and hilarious twist on the classic story as you’ve never seen it before. Watch as Rapunzel and her amazing hair team up with Jack (of beanstalk fame) to gallop around the wild and western landscape, changing lives, righting wrongs, and bringing joy to every soul they encounter.

What's the Buzz?
"The Hales seem like they’re having a ball with this story, and they like to mix in generous helpings of other myths and legends to flesh out the action. (Also, a couple other fairy tales find their way into the telling of Rapunzel’s Revenge, but it would take an evil stepmother to give them away here.)" - Graphic Novel Reporter
"Shannon and Dean Hale take Rapunzel's story, make Rapunzel totally kick-butt, plunk it down in a magical version of the American Old West, and add a little Jack (and the Beanstalk). It's fantastic." - Abby the Librarian
"Yee haw! Shannon Hale and her hubby Dean have taken the tired old princess-in-a-tower-tale and re-imagined Rapunzel as a rootin’ tootin’ cowgirl, complete with scarlet lassoin’ braids, and a sassy sidekick named Jack (yeah, he of the magic bean fame)." - Reading Rants
"For the first time, the story of a girl locked in a tower by an evil stepmother and her excessively long hair makes a certain amount of sense. Shannon and Dean Hale give Rapunzel character and motivation — she’s active, making choices, instead of someone bad things are done to." - Comics Worth Reading
"This is a story of growth, revenge, love and friendship that is both entertaining and absorbing. The colorful illustrations and witticisms complement each other in the telling, and the reader is allowed to experience the actions, emotions and hair-whipping brawls of the main characters as a result." - Dallas Library

"After reading the first 30 pages of Rapunzel’s Revenge I knew two things: 1) that I loved this version of Rapunzel with the force of a thousand thunderstorms and 2) that I would be glomming Mrs Hale’s backlist pronto. " - - The Book Smugglers 

Rapunzel is a spunky, smart, strong heroine who triumphs mightily over villains and insurmountable odds to make her world a better place. - Ya Books Central

"Part fairy tale, western, romance, and comedy, Rapunzel's Revenge is a wild ride you'll never forget! I couldn't put this book down. Rapunzel is one of the greatest heroines you'll ever meet. The expressive sketches in this graphic novel make the story come alive, with humor written within the graphics themselves. Loved it!" - Symborse @ D.R. Hill Middle School

"The Hales are funny writers -- there were many asides and humorous bits that worked extremely well. A lot of that credit, of course, goes to Nathan Hale and his art work." - Estella's Revenge

"This clever and compelling take on the Rapunzel fairy tale is sure to delight readers who have a fondness for graphic novels, high adventure, the Wild West, romance, and magic."- Looking Glass Review
"This is going to be the perfect graphic novel for reluctant readers, fairy tale lovers, readers who love fairy tale retellings, and anyone who loves books that make you laugh out loud.  I can not wait to pass this one onto my students." - The Reading Zone 
"Sidekicks, villains, kidnappers, and giant sea serpents fill these brightly illustrated pages. This is a fun read, that will appeal equally to girls and boys. A fractured fairytale that goes deeper, Rapunzel's Revenge is a must for graphic novel readers." - Tweendom
"There is enough action, adventure, head-thumping and hog-tying to keep the story moving briskly along -- this is no sissy fairytale. Keep your eye open for guest appearances by other fairytale characters, and be ready for the humor tucked into both the illustrations and the text." - A Year of Reading
"The Rapunzel retelling itself is witty and unusual, and I love how the Wild West is seamlessly included in the story. It provides an adventurous backdrop for the characters, and gives Nathan Hale a lot of scope when it comes to his excellent artwork." - Wondrous Reads
"... don’t let the comic book panels fool you, this is a humdinger of a book rich with enough detail and subtext to keep even the most advance readers busy (while the interplay of text and images can help readers on the other end of the spectrum)." - Miss Print

"If you don’t love this one… I’ll grow super-long braids and ride off into the sunset." - Shelf Elf

Where Can I Learn More?

Lots more about the book at author Shannon Hale's Website.  (Psst, even though it's off topic, dig around on the site and find the "Dragon's, Abby's and Hags" adventure and play along.  It's fun!)

Shannon's husband and co-author Dean Hale has a site as well.  Be sure to stretch your brain before you visit because Dean's site is full of twisted stories, and you don't want to cramp.

Web comics, Illustrations & Lego's.  Who doesn't want to visit artist Nathan Hale's site?

Calamity Jack by Shannon & Dean Hale - Ages 10+

Calamity Jack
What's the Story?

Jack thinks of himself as a criminal mastermind with an unfortunate amount of bad luck. A schemer, a trickster …maybe even a thief?

But, of course, he’s not out for himself he’s trying to take the burden off his hardworking mum’s shoulders. She’d understand, right? He hopes she might even be proud. Then, one day, Jack chooses a target a little more …’giant’ than the usual, and as one little bean turns into a great big building-destroying beanstalk, his troubles really begin.

But with help from Rapunzel and other eccentric friends, Jack just might out-swindle the evil giants and put his beloved city back in the hands of the people who live there …whilst catapulting them and the reader into another fantastical adventure.

What's the Buzz?

"This action-packed sequel is every bit as entertaining as its predecessor, and then some. Jack’s big city, in contrast to Rapunzel’s Wild West, is a bustling technological marvel, which adds a little steam punk to the whole whimsical affair." - Reading Rants

"Readers will still be caught up by Shannon and Dean Hale’s terrific use of language and good sense of pacing...They understand the comic medium and use it to its fullest potential, never making the mistake of allowing their words to say too much at a time in which Nathan Hale’s art could be doing the work. For his part, his art walks the fine line of being terrific for younger readers and yet not too young for older ones." - Graphic Novel Reporter

"Nathan Hale’s graphic design is exceptionally well laid out and easy to follow, even for those still getting the hang of the format. The full-color artwork has depth, energy, and plenty of exaggerated violence and humor. The story stands alone in its focus on Jack and his troubles, but it will entice readers to pick up Rapunzel’s Revenge to see how he teamed up with the feisty Rapunzel in the first place." - Alvis Book Reviews

"Calamity Jack's got the same sassy, funny writing that made Rapunzel's Revenge such fun and the illustrations are just as eye-catching. I was a little afraid that the kick-butt heroine I so loved in Rapunzel's Revenge would be lost in a book about Jack, but it wasn't so. Rapunzel's back and she's just as feisty as ever." - Abby the Librarian

"Calamity Jack is as much fun as Rapunzel’s Revenge: full of action, gimmicks and wonderful characters. Rapunzel remains my favourite and even though the story here is not from her point of view, she is still a very important part of the story. And a cool one at that..." - The Book Smugglers

"Calamity Jack is fantastic like its predecessor, but I’m not sure it got the attention it deserved possibly because most of the critical attention has been focused on the retelling of girl-centered fairy tales such as Rapunzel, Cinderella, Sleeping Beauty, and the Frog Prince." - Children's Literature Center @ San Diego State

"The story is wild, over-the-top, not exactly believable, and melodramatic -- but a whole lot of fun. This is a graphic novel adventure yarn with a touch of romance and lots of teamwork..." - Sonder Books

"Jack and Rapunzel have a great relationship. Their banter and the way they play off of each other never fails to make me laugh." - Basically Amazing

"By combining fairytale, fantasy, and much more, Shannon and Dean Hale have once again created a memorable graphic novel that fans of this genre will greatly enjoy." - Looking Glass Review

I definitely recommend CALAMITY JACK to middle grade readers. I think this classic tale with a twist will be especially appealing to youngsters since it is also in a very fun-to-read format! - Booking Mama

"Calamity Jack is great for those first time, non-graphic novel loving readers. The story is easy to follow, but exciting enough to keep one entertained, especially with the full-color illustrations. I think Calamity Jack may gear a little more towards boys, who will love all the action/fighting. Girls may be a harder sell, especially if they don’t like graphic novels, but if they give it a try they may just like it." - Book Blather

"A riproaring adventure with steampunk elements that will have readers begging for more from this trio." - Back To Books

"Rapunzel's Revenge and Calamity Jack are a librarian's dream come true! The Hale's combine witty dialogue, action and adventure, beautiful detailed artwork and lots of humor to create the perfect graphic novel. I would give this one to anyone who is not convinced in the value of graphic novels or anyone who's a newbie to graphic novels." - Green Bean Teen Queen

Where Can I Learn More?

The husband and wife writing team of Dean & Shannon Hale each have their own websites. Shannon's site has info and games while Dean concentrates on crazy short stories.  In case you didn't know it, Shan and Dean were also a surf band in the 60's.  Their biggest hit was Dreadcrumbs Curve.  (I'm kidding ;P)

Besides being an illustrator, Nathan Hale also loves Legos.  If you'd like to visit his site, click on the picture below of the custom Rapunzel & Jack Lego figures he made.


Into the Woods by Lyn Gardner - Ages 10+

Into The Woods
Book 1
What's the Story?
Storm, Aurora, and Anything Eden live in a decaying mansion on the edge of the wilds with their erstwhile father and indolent mother. When an accident leaves them orphaned and at the mercy of the sinister Dr. DeWilde, these three courageous and eccentric sisters are forced to flee into the woods, where they encounter kidnappers, sweets-filled orphanages, mountains of ice, diamond mines, and some ravenously hungry wolves.

Taking inspiration from numerous fairy tales and weaving them into a wholly original story, Into the Woods is a whirlwind of a novel, full of imaginative happenings and dastardly deeds.

What's the Buzz?
"...  although the book has three female characters as leads, it is a very boy-friendly book, from the adventure aspect of it all, along with the creepiness that sometimes rears its head. And there is fighting and explosions." - My Favourite Books
"It was so much fun to put all the pieces together and guess the fairytale being depicted. Especially to guess which character is from which tale. To fully appreciate the nuances of the plot I think you need a good knowledge of traditional fairy-tales." - Book Angel Booktopia
"Into the Woods could be classified as a fantasy family fiction and might be a good book for the animated film industry to consider." - Curled Up Kids
"...with Into the Woods, the magic just really didn’t seem to be there. The novel was too busy, trying too hard, too derivative, and, apparently for me, lacking that je ne sais quoi. That is, apparently, French for “an ending that isn’t so cheesy it makes me want to hurl.” - Too Cool For School Books
"This book, if it is about one thing in particular, is about the way in which an appetite, whether for sweets, stories, love or home, can send one off on adventures that lead, quite often, back to the place where the characters (and the reader) first started. There's a hint too, that this book may have a sequel - the words "The End" are followed by a question mark, and I'd be interested to see if Gardner could sustain the same intertextual mix for a sequel." - Scholar's Blog

Out of the Woods by Lynn Gardner - Ages 10+

Out of the Woods
Book 2
What's the Story?

The fun fair is in town! With its clouds of pink candy floss and whirling big wheel, what child could resist such temptation? Little do the Eden sisters know that they are being lured into a wicked witch’s lair. . . . Belladonna wants
Aurora’s heart and Storm’s all-powerful musical pipe, and she will stop at nothing to get them. Driven by vanity and greed, she makes a truly formidable adversary.

After escaping from a deadly game of hide-and-seek in the enchanted fair, our three heroines flee through the woods, with several ravenous wolves and a sweet-toothed lion hot on their heels. Now they face their biggest challenge yet: a treacherous journey into the Underworld. For only when the pipe has been safely returned to the land of the dead will the Eden sisters truly be out of the woods. . . .

What's the Buzz?
"...read the first book before you read this one. It helps, because the girls keep referring to things from the other book. It isn’t hard to understand, but it would definitely help." - Book Trends
"The myth and fairy tale allusions and references (Snow White, Little Red Riding Hood, among many others) should entrance younger readers, while a story line mixing action with tragedy, familial love with jealousy and sibling rivalry, and a fear of change with hope, will appeal to a broad audience." - Publisher's Weekly
"Although the main story is original, the Author has cleverly referred, tied in and used many other fairy tales, stories and myths from around the world such as Pandora's box, Snow White, and Little Red Riding Hood. With an interesting twist on all these fairy tales this book will certainly enchant children." - The School Run
"I thoroughly enjoyed this story. The characters were very relatable and the imagery was wonderful. At many times I felt like I was in the book with them. The book can make you laugh or cry. It was fun finding all of the connections and predicting what would happen next." - Flamingnet
"The exciting settings are delightfully illustrated by Mini Grey, sparking the imagination and adding to the fast-paced nature of the story." - Curled Up Kids


Series: The 7 Professors of the Far North by John Fardell - Ages 9+

The 7 Professors of the Far North
Book 1 
What's the Story?
Sam, Zara and Ben never expected their vacation to turn into a life-or-death rescue mission. But when Uncle Ampersand is kidnapped by the nefarious Professor Murdo, the three children must race to the Arctic to save him. Numerous twists and turns put them to the test as they decode encrypted messages, navigate secret passages, scale giant buildings and hurtle over—and under—dangerous ice fields, all the while unsure of whom they can trust. And when they finally discover Murdo’s ultimate plan, they come to a startling realization: It’s not just Ampersand’s fate on their shoulders . . . it’s the fate of the whole world.

What's the Buzz?
"Thrilling and full of smart dialogue and lots of action! This book by John Fardell takes you on a rescue mission to a fantastic bad-guys lair in the Arctic, all to rescue six brilliant professors." - Mister K Reads
"Each of the three children brings his or her own skills to the adventure --- Sam's preparedness, Ben's map-reading abilities, Zara's boldness --- and each of them comes up with innovative ideas when they're most needed, usually just in the nick of time." - Kids Reads
"I liked the small detailed b&w drawings that are sprinkled throughout the text. Fardell is also a cartoonist. The book had an old-fashioned feel that got better as the story progressed and the action ramped up." - BookMoot
"Author John Fardell (who also provides the many illustrations, maps, and diagrams that pepper the text) recaptures the excitement that children show when making up their own stories. In fact, the novel feels very much as if a group of youngsters trying to entertain themselves had written the book, and not at all like an adult trying to write for children". - Craig's Book Club
"Though the children's characters are a bit flat - it's not always easy to tell them apart - their wild adventures and unyielding determination to save the professors makes this a book designed to engage even the most reluctant young reader." - Children's Book & Play Review @ BYU
"The adventure is implausible, but it has enough to detail to make it seem possible, and the unique characters are fantastic." - Krystel's Book Blog
"This book is such a rich and rewarding story. The adventure is fast paced, cold (it is the Arctic!) and thrilling. The friendships are strong and loyal and there is heaps of good humour along the way. - Momo Celebrating Time to Read
"None of it is very plausible. But it is suspenseful, fun, fast-paced, and filled with likable characters. Personally, I can't wait to read the sequel, Flight of the Silver Turtle" -Jen Robinson's Book Page

 Flight Of the Silver Turtle
Book 2 

What's the Story?
The take-charge kids from John Fardell’s The 7 Professors of the Far North face a summer packed with danger, excitement and suspense--flying airplanes, scuba diving and cracking codes--as they plunge into this fast-paced, high-flying adventure.

Ben, Zara, Sam and Marcia begin their summer vacation by helping Professor Ampersand build the Silver Turtle, a high-tech airplane. This is thrilling enough, but things take an even wilder turn when a strange woman steals the airplane with the kids inside. She’s trying to evade members of Noctarma, an international criminal organization that thinks the airplane is carrying a secret antigravity device that could be the key to world domination. 

They’ve got the wrong Silver Turtle, but they’ve also captured Professor Ampersand—and the kids will have to pull out all the stops to find the real Silver Turtle device before Noctarma does.

Secret of the Black Moon Moth
 Book 3 

What's the Story?
A painfully shy old man has approached Professors Gadling, Gauntraker and Ampersand with an extraordinary archeological find: early human remains that don't fit in with anything known to science. Soon, Sam, Zara, Ben, Marcia and Adam are joining the professors on an expedition to a remote island in South-East Asia to investigate further. But the island contains a secret more astonishing than anything they could have imagined, and a dangerous, deadly enemy is on the trail...


The Facttracker by Jason Carter Eaton - Ages 9+

The Facttracker

Is that true?  Who knows!  But it sounds good.  So Does:

The Facttracker is full of such statements.  Unfortunately, most of them are lies, which is odd,
since Traäkerfaxx is the town that produces all the world's facts.

So how can a story about a bizarre town with a weird name become

Dinosaurs would help. Or maybe aliens. Alien dinosaurs would be dynamite! Alas, we have none of those. 
Here's what we do have: the Facttracker, who tracks all the facts in Traäkerfaxx. 
The just small enough boy, who lost all his facts. And Ersatz, but the less said about him the better.
 And, of course, there are lots and lots of facts and lies, such as:

Was that a fact or a lie? For the answer, read on and encounter adventure, peril, and even more 

What's the Buzz?
“The Facttracker,” by Jason Carter Eaton has a plot that seems to get more and more exaggerated, like a lie that starts out small and then gets larger." - Inkweaver Review

" I really think this a good book because it is really funny. The chapters have interesting names like “A Tiny Chapter That Isn’t Really a Chapter at All So Much as a Really Long Chapter Title Placed Strategically to Waste a Bit of Time In Order to Give the Facttracker and the Small Enough Boy a Moment to Compose Themselves”.  The chapters themselves are even more interesting." - Ayesha Reviews
"The author is full of authorial asides to the reader and lots of playing with authorial conventions. For example, Chapter 13 has the heading crossed out, with the title, "There Will Not Be a Chapter 13 Because It Might Be Unlucky and the Facttracker Needs All the Luck He Can Get Now." - Sonder Books
"The Facttracker is laugh out loud funny, but also has much to say about the relationship between truth and falsehood, understanding and self-deception." - Provo City Library
More reviews? 


Floors by Patrick Carman - Ages 9+

What's the Story?

Charlie had his chocolate factory. Stanley Yelnats had his holes and Leo has the wacky & amazing Whippet Hotel.

The Whippet Hotel is a strange place full of strange and mysterious people. Each floor has its own quirks and secrets. Leo should know most of them - he is the maintenance man's son, after all. But a whole lot more mystery gets thrown his way when a series of cryptic boxes are left for him . . . boxes that lead him to hidden floors, strange puzzles, and unexpected alliances. Leo had better be quick on his feet, because the fate of the building he loves is at stake . . . and so is Leo's own future!

What's the Buzz?
"...an eccentric hotel filled with wacky inventions and hidden floors? A mysterious disappearance? Ducks that could save the day? Yes, please!" - Lovely Little Things
"I thought this story was AWESOME from the beginning to the end. The Whippet Hotel is just cool (my favorite room is the pinball room) and Mr. Carman’s story really gave me a good idea of what it would be like to live there." - This Kid Reviews Books
"... Floors has to be added to my list of great books that I have read so far this year. It has all the hallmarks of the great Roald Dahl himself. The story is magical, full of charm and most of all, it's full to the rafters with fantastical imagination that will have you racing to the end of the book." - Mr. Ripley's Enchanted Books
"Leo and Remi are good-natured and likable protagonists. The boys act like real children rather than miniature adults, all the while exhibiting great pluck, creativity and independence. While action-packed, the book is also lighthearted and enjoyable." - Kids Reads
I thoroughly enjoyed Carman’s wacky world!  The puzzles were just silly enough, the danger just palpable enough.  SO much fun!  - Kiss the Book

Where Can I Learn More?
Author Patrick Carman loves to experiment with extra online content for books and he's done it again with Floors.  Besides a special website for the book series, Carman had added extras you can only access with a code from the book.  If you're like me and you don't have the code, there's still plenty to see and do.


Ever Breath by Julianna Baggott - Ages 9+

Ever Breath
What's the Story?

In a world where locust fairies flutter and firebreathers burst from snowbanks, two children are having the adventure of their lives. Truman and his twin sister, Camille, have just met their grandmother Swelda. . . and she’s a little strange. She whispers a tale about something called the Ever Breath, an amber orb that maintains the balance between our world and a dreamy one of imagination—and evil.

Soon Truman and Camille find themselves in the Breath World, a magical place where ogres clash and a mouse holds the key to a mystery. Some creatures want to help them—and some want them D-E-A-D. That’s because the Ever Breath has been stolen, and an epic battle is raging to bring it safely back. Can the twins save not only one world—but two?

What's the Buzz?
"It brings back all the magic of juvenile fantasy that I often reminisce about. I have a feeling that Baggott’s books will go alongside Eva Ibbotson’s as great reads for 8- to 12-year-olds." - Steph Su Reads

"Her characters, especially the uncoordinated, allergy-besotted Truman and a conscience-plagued mouse informant named Binderbee, are vividly depicted and full of interesting contradictions." - Parent Dish

"After the first chapter, I had one child tucked up on each side of me... When I tried to quit reading for the night, I heard the words that had never been said by my children before: "Just one more chapter!" I felt like I was dreaming. I'm not kidding -- it was weird!" - Little Blue School

"I found The Ever Breath to be a good book. It is funny, and it keeps you wanting to read the next page. It kind of reminds me of The Chronicles of Narnia and Harry Potter combined." - Kayley (6th Grade) @ BookTrends

"Swelda is a hoot, and I particularly liked a talking mouse named Binderbee Biggby, who has the most interesting crisis of conscience in the whole book." - The Book Aunt

Where Can I Learn More?
The Author's official site is here.  Baggett also started a Ever Breath blog but it's been abandoned for a while now.  If you're an internet treasure hunter, you might find a few golden Ever Breath nuggets there if you dig deep enough.


Series: Shark Wars by EJ Altbacker - Ages 9+

Shark Wars
Book 1
What's the Story?

Since the dawn of time, prehistoric shark clans called Shivers have ruled over the earth's oceans, fierce protectors of all who swim. For eons, the Big Blue has prospered under Shiver Law, and the delicate balance of sea life kept sacred. Until now.

Rising sea temperatures and overfishing have caused food to become scarce, and the battle for new hunting grounds has brought with it corruption and warfare.

Now, with the ocean on the brink of chaos, a young reef shark named Gray - exiled from the safety of his peaceful reef home - must venture deep into Open Water to unlock the secrets of his destiny and bring peace back to the ocean. But first, he'll have to discover the truth about who - and what - he really is.

What's the Buzz?
"...if you have middle grade kids who are fascinated by the shark craze, you might want to introduce them to the first in the series of Shark Wars novels." - The Morton Report
" Confident readers will find this book action-packed and reminiscent of the Warriors series (but instead of cats, it's sharks). Mild bloody violence and shark fighting occur." - Story Snoops
"This book was good because of all the epic battle scenes and the tales of budding friendship.  At times I didn’t like how the language was vague and details were left out, but this was a really fast read." - Ian @ Well Read Spartans
"I must admit this is a great fast paced, action packed series, perfect for reluctant young readers." - Geek Dad @ Wired.com
"I was pleasantly surprised with how much I enjoyed this story. This is one exiting, action packed, fast paced story that takes readers into a whole new underwater world. These's battles, a fabulous underwater setting, and a large cast of great shark characters." - Mundie Kids
"When I first picked this book up I really wasn’t sure I’d like it. The plot didn’t seem like something I’d be interested in. Well -I LOVED THIS BOOK! It is well written, the description of the story made it come alive and the whole story was really good...I give Shark Wars five out of five book worms! " - This Kid Reviews Books

Where Can I Learn More?
Shark Wars has an official website where you can learn about the characters in Shark Wars.  There's also an Iphone app and you can download an excerpt of book 1.

Series: Zombie Chasers Author: John Kloepfer - Ages 9+

Zombie Attack
The Zombie Chasers Book 1

What's the Story?

Meet the Zombie Chasers:

Zack: His house is a wreck, his sister's a zombie, and he's stolen his mom's Volvo. He's totally going to be grounded if he survives the night. . . .

Rice: He's studied The Zombie Survival Guide, but is he prepared to fight the living dead?

Madison: She seriously cannot believe her best friend has become a zombie and left her alone with these dweebs!

They're on a mission to save the world, but first they have to survive their flesh-eating, half-dead neighbors—and one another. Can the Zombie Chasers make it out alive?

What's the Buzz?
"Kloepner does an incredible job of pacing this book, of writing realistically funny dialogue for Zack and Co., and of coming up with clever action scenes using zombie mayhem and the creative responses of our young carload of heroes. A very fun new series!" - Book Aunt

This feels like a story two kids tell each other at a sleepover to see who can create the creepiest, gooiest storyline. Logic is not necessary. The ending was lame. Overall, I disliked the book. - Massachusetts Youth Services

"I was very leery of this book for middle schoolers, because the illustrations make it look as if it falls on the elementary side of the Pilkey Line, but it doesn't." - Ms Yingling Reads

"There is plenty of spookiness but not a lot of intense zombie action but definitely age appropriate for the middle grade audience." - Fiction State of Mind

Undead Ahead
The Zombie Chasers Book 2

Sludgement Day
The Zombie Chasers Book 3

Where Can I fight Zombies?
The Zombie Chasers official website