
Ever Breath by Julianna Baggott - Ages 9+

Ever Breath
What's the Story?

In a world where locust fairies flutter and firebreathers burst from snowbanks, two children are having the adventure of their lives. Truman and his twin sister, Camille, have just met their grandmother Swelda. . . and she’s a little strange. She whispers a tale about something called the Ever Breath, an amber orb that maintains the balance between our world and a dreamy one of imagination—and evil.

Soon Truman and Camille find themselves in the Breath World, a magical place where ogres clash and a mouse holds the key to a mystery. Some creatures want to help them—and some want them D-E-A-D. That’s because the Ever Breath has been stolen, and an epic battle is raging to bring it safely back. Can the twins save not only one world—but two?

What's the Buzz?
"It brings back all the magic of juvenile fantasy that I often reminisce about. I have a feeling that Baggott’s books will go alongside Eva Ibbotson’s as great reads for 8- to 12-year-olds." - Steph Su Reads

"Her characters, especially the uncoordinated, allergy-besotted Truman and a conscience-plagued mouse informant named Binderbee, are vividly depicted and full of interesting contradictions." - Parent Dish

"After the first chapter, I had one child tucked up on each side of me... When I tried to quit reading for the night, I heard the words that had never been said by my children before: "Just one more chapter!" I felt like I was dreaming. I'm not kidding -- it was weird!" - Little Blue School

"I found The Ever Breath to be a good book. It is funny, and it keeps you wanting to read the next page. It kind of reminds me of The Chronicles of Narnia and Harry Potter combined." - Kayley (6th Grade) @ BookTrends

"Swelda is a hoot, and I particularly liked a talking mouse named Binderbee Biggby, who has the most interesting crisis of conscience in the whole book." - The Book Aunt

Where Can I Learn More?
The Author's official site is here.  Baggett also started a Ever Breath blog but it's been abandoned for a while now.  If you're an internet treasure hunter, you might find a few golden Ever Breath nuggets there if you dig deep enough.

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